

2012/01/01 20:37

~宗薩欽哲仁波切於蓮師成就無死持明之瑪拉帝卡洞穴,照片來自Adarsha (PAWO)~

線上觀賞只有這十天,請把握!片中有今日到悉達多修法的主法上師 (即飾演「密勒日巴」第一位師父者) 和事業金剛,以及「高山上的世界盃」那位老喇嘛喔~~超級推薦43:20莊嚴的壇城, 46:00手中的嘎屋,以及53:00圓滿結行的歡喜!

Dear Friends,

I have the pleasure to invite you to watch The Chime Phakme Nyingtik Drupchen: A Visual Journey. The full documentary is now online until the 10th of January 11:59 PM. Don't miss the opportunity to see these great masters in HD...!

For a better experience, put it in full screen (the icon at the bottom-right of the screen) and connect your computer to some decent speakers or put your headphones on.

If you encounter sluggishness during the playback, it may be because of the speed of your Internet connexion, so you can let it download completely or at least for a while before playing it back.

If you liked the film and would like to see more Dharma related productions in a near future, you can see ways of helping me at the bottom of the web page.

Thank you for watching and HNY 2012!

Kind Regards,




他曾說過,一旦你見到蓮師本人,除了蔣揚欽哲汪波、蔣貢康楚和秋吉林巴這三位蔣貢 (文殊怙主)*的伏藏法外,他就沒有別的要教了。他們的話語富有深廣的涵義,我們需要保存並持守之。因為直到未來佛彌勒佛的化現(來世),佛陀的教法只會以伏藏的方式維繫。


但若我們無法獲得理解和了證的力量,只是到處尋求灌頂與口傳,並以為我們這樣就是騎在一隻可以帶我們走向目的地的馬匹上,那是愚蠢的。你應該到僻靜之處並修持,以種下了證之法的勝幡。不過即使這樣,有些人也許並無福報或功德知道該如何進行。竹千(大成就修法)是一種基於良善之因的古老傳統,並有其良善目標,這是全知的Tashi Paljor(頂果法王)所說的。這位殊勝的上師一輩子都修持竹千。由於我遵循其法門,且(認為)進行此種修持必有其重要原因,所以我建造此大殿之廟堂。

~ 根據《敦珠法王傳》的英譯註釋:106)蔣貢(藏文拼音爲jam mgon)可做如下解釋:由於大師和「文殊」(蔣巴;藏文拼音爲jam dpal)無有分別,就如同文殊能「護祐」(貢;藏文拼音為mgon)一切眾生。

~ Serena 草譯於2012元旦,願一切吉祥!





2. 關於竹千(又稱永日或日夜修持)的說明

Drupchen (Tib. གྲུབ་ཆེན་, Wyl. sgrub chen) — literally “vast accomplishment,” is a form of intensive group practice that epitomizes the depth, power, and precision of the Vajrayana, drawing together the entire range of its skilful methods—mystical, ritual, and artistic—and including: the creation of the mandala house; the complete sadhana practice with visualization, mudra, chant, and music; continuous day and night practice of mantra; the creation of tormas and offerings, with sacred substances and precious relics; the tsok feast; the sacred dance of cham; as well as the construction of the sand mandala. All blend to create the transcendent environment of the pure realm of the deity and awaken, for all those taking part, the pure perception of this world as a sacred realm.

So it is said that several days participating in a drupchen can yield th

e same results as years of solitary retreat, and great contemporary masters such as Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche have made a point of encouraging and reviving the practice of drupchen, because of its power of transformation in this degenerate age.

3. 關於無死白度母心要法的說明

Chimé Phakmé Nyingtik (Tib. འཆི་མེད་འཕགས་མའི་སྙིང་ཐིག་, Wyl. ‘chi med ‘phags ma'i snying thig; Eng. 'The Heart Essence of the Sublime Lady of Immortality') is a long life practice discovered as mind terma by Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo in 1855. It features a mandala of white Tara in union with Amitayus.


Jamyang Khyentse revealed the terma of Chimé Phakmé Nyingtik at his seat Dzongsar Tashi Lhatse in a vision of the three masters who attained the level of vidyadhara with power over life: Guru Rinpoche, Vimalamitra and Shri Singha.

Through its power and blessings, many masters, including the great Jamgön Kongtrul, have been able to remove obstacles. In fact, according to prophecies, the life of Jamgön Kongtrul would have had many obstacles, and he would not have lived very long, but for this practice of Chimé Phakmé Nyingtik.

The highly respected master Jamyang Khyentsé Chökyi Lodrö, in his biography, said that he received this transmission about ten times, and held this as his most important practice. It was also the main heart practice of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, who completed all the required practices seven times in retreat. One of the main holders of this practice today is Kyabjé Trulshik Rinpoche, who every year spends at least a month in retreat practising Chimé Phakmé Nyingtik at Maratika cave in Nepal, the place where Guru Rinpoche accomplished the level of a vidyadhara with power over life


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